Survival Kit?

...or a "Recreation Kit" as i would preferred to call it.

In theory, this kit is a must for those who spend any time a
way from civilization which contains tools & supplies for some basic survival needs such as fire, water & shelter in a survival situation (with knowledge & skills of course)
But how often do we travel to remote places that far away from any mobile phone signal? A survival kit may sound too serious & it seems irrelevant, but somehow i find it quite amusing for another reason...

Starting a fire without matches or lighter (In this case, with Doan magnesium block from the kit) on a wet day is quite tricky. The only dry materials i found was a 3 feet long 2"x3" with nails on it & some fibers from a coconut tree as tinder...

Bon appetit! Nothing beats hot dogs on improvised bamboo skewers over an open fire. With a kit, skills like these can be practiced/used to better appreciate nature & for recreation, not just survival.

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