DIY Shrimp Trap

It's been a long time since i "play waterfall". As usual, my waterfall outing is more than just a dip in the cool running water & a picnic. It's an opportunity to practice some wilderness skills or Bushcraft.

Penang (Malaysia) is truly blessed with so many natural attractions. Waterfall remains among my all-time favorites. Sadly, the number of waterfalls in the island is falling fast due to the quest to become a "Developed country". It's almost impossible to find a good waterfall spot without the presence of trash. Plastic water bottle is one of them.

As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure! So i decided to DIY shrimp trap & give it a try.

A shrimp trap can be easily built with a plastic bottle. All i need is a knife, some wire/string & some bread for bait and i'm good to go. The traps were set for less than an hour & here are the results.

A plastic bottle can also be used to keep the catch. At the end of the day, i decided to keep those bottles & release the catch back into the water.

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