It's been a year since my little buddy got his first tricycle.
Today, Wien is ready for the next stage. That's right, a bicycle.
From training wheels sourcing to bolts tightening,
it's really fun to get Wien to work on a hand-me-down bicycle.
What a perfect way to introduce kids to recycling as something
that is 'fun' to do rather than something they 'have' to do.
Today, Wien is ready for the next stage. That's right, a bicycle.
From training wheels sourcing to bolts tightening,
it's really fun to get Wien to work on a hand-me-down bicycle.
What a perfect way to introduce kids to recycling as something
that is 'fun' to do rather than something they 'have' to do.
You should receive a prize for writing such an entertaining article. Or at least a well deserved round of applause.