DIY-ing stuff has always been my favorite past time. What could be more fun than making something useful and save ca$h at the same time.
As far as mountain biking is concerned, we all agree that the best way to enjoy riding is with a group. But most of the time, we have to drive (boringly) quite a distance in separate vehicles, wasting hard earned ca$h on toll and fuel just to get to the trail head. In this case, a bike rack that holds at least 3 bikes for CS's pickup truck is the best solution... because we know, getting there together is more fun!
Another DIY masterpiece which
cost only RM62 (parts & cutter).
All you need is kawan-kawanbike,
4 hours of laughter & of course a
brilliant idea by Sombeech
to made it happen.
* Will post more pictures of the rack
in action soon! Stay tuned...