Bloody Monday

We all like to push the limits sometimes, the faster we go,
the more fun we have. But there is a fine line between
pushing the limits safely and pushing them recklessly.
~ Ride Hard, Ride Smart ~

A slightly off-concentration when going downhill at a speed of 42km/hour can spell disaster.


... a ticket to get closer to nature, family & friends.


A large spiky fruit often weighing up to three kilograms.
When the fruit begins to ripen it falls daily and almost hourly.
Taking a blow from a falling durian from the top of a
30 meter-tall tree is not fun & definitely not something
that we wish for while on the trail.

CS & a fresh fallen durian right on the trail.
Another good reason for wearing a helmet :)

Recycling is fun

Time flies.
It's been a year since my little buddy got his first tricycle.
Today, Wien is ready for the next stage. That's right, a bicycle.
From training wheels sourcing to bolts tightening,
it's really fun to get Wien to work on a hand-me-down bicycle.
What a perfect way to introduce kids to recycling as something
that is 'fun' to do rather than something they 'have' to do.